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  • carolynknudsen

Safeguarding Animal Life

Conservation of animals is concerned with keeping them and where they live safe. Nature consists of plants and animals both of which are interdependent since an increase or decrease in one will affect the other and this might cause an imbalance in the environment. There exist various mechanisms that can be utilized to prevent animal extinction. One of the ways to safeguard the few animal species is by the government coming up with legislation that prescribes punitive measures to those found endangering such animals for example by prohibiting the use of individual animals as source of food and creating a haven for such endangered animals. Individuals who are environmental conscious have also played a part in the protection of mother nature and the animal inhabitants. David Wills has come up with various mechanisms to use resources optimally to ensure they are well used.

Global warming has been of an unfavorable effect to wildlife in that the different patterns of the weather endanger the wildlife. Another major threat to animals is pollution that releases toxins into the environment, and once animals ingest it, they end up dying. Clearing of vegetation in the forests eliminates the habitat of animals which leaves them without a place to live hence they move to other places. The growth of human population has led to competing of various resources such as food, and the damage of the environment by human activity such as nuclear power testing which affects the animal life. The government sector has also been involved in the destruction of animal life through some arrangements aimed at reducing the population of some particular class of animals, for instance, the aquatic life. There are however solutions to such problems which can be undertaken by both governmental, non-governmental associations and even individuals who have taken it upon themselves to protect wildlife.

One such individual is David Wills who has been passionate about animals for half a decade a service that has developed and has attained recognition all over the world. Convincing the populace that a plant diet is healthier and conserves the environment will go a long way in protecting the animals. Hunting animals for fun is an activity that should be discouraged since this way more animals are killed in the process. Another way to achieve animal conservation is by setting up boundaries which will eliminate conflicts in case animals come into where people live and disrupt. Mass education is another route to go where the people are taught about the importance of nature and taking care of the wildlife. Some of the advantages that come about when wildlife is conserved is the elimination of some certain diseases that are dealt with by using biological means means. Some animals are rich in some ingredients used are used in developing medicine, such animals are rare and hence they need to be protected if such benefits are to be enjoyed. F or example, the aircraft concept was originated from birds. Get further details about this article at David Wills Texas. Check out also this related article -

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